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SymptoMetrix™ Ver. 11

Numerical Health Evaluation Instrument for Alternative Health Care Practice.*

Anyone that has been in any kind of health practice knows this kind of a problem: at the first appointment, a patient presented a number of symptoms like pain, low-energy, foggy thinking. A few months and few appointments later patient improved drastically. The pain is gone, energy is great, thinking is clear. Yet when asked about progress, the patient has difficulties acknowledging his/her better health and admitting (or comprehending, perhaps) that he/she is actually better. A situation like this can lead to frustrations, misunderstandings, and the worst of all, to the patient being dissatisfied with services and badmouthing your practice.

SymptoMetrix™ Ver. 11 — the health evaluation instrument that allows a natural health practitioner to establish a numerical representation of the patient’s state of health (baseline) and to track nutritional health improvement progress.

SymptoMetrix™ Ver. 11 program consists of two parts:

  • An entry form, Health Assessment Questionnaire, located on the cloud, that can be accessed and filled out from any computer, tablet or a cell phone (although the larger the screen the better.)
  • A proprietary data processing algorithm (DPA ver. 10) embedded in a spreadsheet that is installed on the practitioner’s/clinic’s/office’s computer.  Simple.  Does not overwrite the computer registry, does not change the computer settings, is portable and works across many operating systems as long as they are Excel compatible, and can execute Excel scripts (although we recommend and guarantee it will work in Excel (Office 7 version or newer.)

IMPORTANT: The SymptoMetrix algorithm uses Microsoft Excel (MS Office 7 or newer) mathematical processing engine for its operations, thus Excel must be installed on the computer for SymptoMetrix to work.

SymptoMetrix™ Ver. 11 is based on the set of questions, answers to which produce a pattern specific to the patient’s state of health.  The algorithm identifies the pattern and breaks it down into the following categories:

  • GI Tract
  • Sugar/Carbohydrate Metabolism
  • Cardiovascular System
  • General Metabolism/Liver, Gallbladder
  • Inflammatory Conditions
  • Vitamin B Group Status
  • ANS (SNS, PNS)
  • Hormonal Profiles (Hypothalamus, Thyroidal, Pituitary, Adrenal)
  • Gender-Specific Hormonal Profiles

The algorithm produces indices from 0 to 100 that may be interpreted by the practitioner as a level of dysfunction/dysregulation or a need for nutritional support for the above categories.

  • Up to 10 — Negligible.
  • 10 – 20 — Mild, probably temporary, may need support.
  • 20 – 40 — Moderate, needs support, part of general support.
  • 40 – 60 — Substantial, consider focused support, review general support pattern if longer than 3 months of health program.
  • 60+  —  Severe, focused support if a new patient, reformulate the health program if the condition persists for more than a month.

The algorithm can be programmed to recommend doses and formulations/supplements of a specific manufacturer, or a formulary of an individual practitioner that uses products of different manufacturers, or produces own supplements/formulations (call if you have questions in this regard.)

The web-based, secure data entry form, once completed, can re-direct the patient to any web page including PayPal or another payment facility/processor so the patient can make the payment for processing the questionnaire.  For example, the questionnaire of our practice located on a secure server, upon completion redirects the patient to the PayPal site to complete the payment.  In our practice, we charge $60.00 to process data from the questionnaire and to call the patient with the results, and to set up a consultation.  A follow-up consultation/visit that is needed to plan the health recovery/health program for the patient and formulations are extra.  For an example of our fee schedule click here.

Why is SymptoMetrix™ Ver. 11 better than other health evaluation instruments?

SymptoMetrix™ Ver. 11 is a numerical health assessment program and provides more information than any other evaluation instrument in a verifiable, repeatable way. Unlike other instruments or “Symptom Surveys” and the like, it gives practitioners a substantial ability to interpret finding based on the gravity of the patient’s answers and the numerical indices produced by the algorithm. Unlike other surveys, it allows the practitioner to see the details of the patient’s symptoms and the treatment trend IN THE CONTEXT of the patient’s general condition. No other health assessment instrument does it that we know of.

This assessment instrument has been developed by Dr. Andre A. Kulisz, holding Ph.D. in the application of physics in medicine, a naturopath, and an Applied Clinical Nutritionist.  In his over 30-year career as a medical researcher and a developer of medical implantables, he specialized in writing mathematical models of absent or incompetent human organs and processes.  Sometimes in 2000/2001, conducting clinical studies “Influence of whole-food nutritional supplements on treatment outcomes” he took on the project of numerical representation of health processes for alternative practitioners.  The first version sold about 500 copies at about $500 per copy without advertising and without any attempt to make it known to the alternative practitioner public.   Such great was the demand among practitioners for a reliable, verifiable, and repeatable health evaluation instrument.  This was the cornerstone of today’s SymptoMetrix ver. 11.  It works.  Reliably, verifiably, repeatably.

And last but not least: patient payment for Health Assessment Questionnaire and the numerical feedback representing the progress drastically improves patient compliance with health protocols and keeping up with appointments.

Individual Practitioner License (“Buy”), non-exclusive, nontransferable** license, includes the use of an on-line data input form and a Data Processing Algorithm (DPA ver. 11) written in Excel spreadsheet format – $1,200.00 a one-time fee plus $10.00/month for hosting a data entry form on a secure server and secure data transmission to the email address of practitioner’s choice.  Data can be transmitted to two email addresses at the same time without an additional fee.  Additional email address over 2 — $5.00/month.  The license includes training, 30 days of telephone support, and one year of free updates.  Internet connection required.  Internet download only.  System requirements:  Windows 10, MS Excel (Office 7 or higher).  No limit on the number of patients, no limit on the number of transmissions.

Use Scenario:  Patient calls your office for an appointment.  Receptionist emails patient a link to SymptoMetrix™ Ver. 11 data entry form. The patient, from his home, fills it out, presses SEND at the bottom of the form.  After completion, the server sends data securely to the practitioner’s computer.  At the same time, the server redirects the patient to a payment facility (PayPal, Stripes, etc.) where the patient pays for Questionnaire processing and preliminary consultation.  After notification of the payment received, the practitioner transfers data to the Data Processing Algorithm with a few clicks of the mouse. The algorithm produces a Score Report giving a numerical representation of patient health to establish a baseline and/or to track the treatment progress.  Total time used by the office personnel to receive the data, confirm and receive the payment, and process the data – 3 – 5 minutes depending on computer skills.

In our practice, we charge $60.00 to process data from the questionnaire and preliminary telephone/Skype consultation. A follow-up consultation/visit that may be needed to plan the health recovery/health program for the patient and formulations are extra.  For an example of our fee schedule click here.

Economics:  Average fee to process a questionnaire is $60.00.  It would take 21 patients to cover the purchase cost.  Assuming that the average alternative practice sees 5 patients a day, multiplied by 22 working days a month equals 110 patients a month.  Further, assuming that every patient files this questionnaire ONCE a month, which is desirable for proper progress tracking, it is additional monthly revenue of $6,600  It is up to the practitioner to set the price of the questionnaire and the frequency the patients do it.  Those are the tangible factors.

What is intangible but of the utmost importance is the better representation and tracking of the patients’ progress in a verifiable, repeatable manner. It means results and patients’ satisfaction. It means REFERRALS!

Multi-Practitioner License must have one individual practitioner license as above.  $450.00 per additional practitioner, no server fee. Data can be transmitted to two email addresses at the same time without an additional fee.  Additional email address over 2 — $5.00/month.  The license includes training, 30 days of telephone support, and one year of free updates.

Distributor Nonexclusive Licenses, 100 licenses — $45,000;  200 licenses — $75,000;  unlimited number of licenses: $190,000.  The license includes training of distributor’s personnel, telephone support, and one year of free updates. Internet connection required. Internet download only. System requirements: Windows 7 or higher, MS Excel (Office 7 or higher).

Distributor EXCLUSIVE License***,   $450,000.  No limits on resale or distribution.  The license includes training of distributor’s personnel, telephone support, and one year of free updates.  Internet connection required.  Internet download only.  System requirements:  Windows 7 or higher, MS Excel (Office 7 or higher).

* Disclaimer for the US and its Territories:  This product and the algorithm is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Disclaimer for the Countries of the European Union and Other Countries Recognizing European Union Standards:  This computer program can be used as a supplementary instrument in differential diagnosis much like x-ray or ultrasound is used.  This program has been developed meeting the criteria of the Directive 98/79/EC (In-Vitro Diagnostic Medical devices –European Union).

**License can be transferred to another practitioner for a fractional fee $450.00.  Training, support and updates are not available.  Call us for details.

***Dr. Kulisz, ENHCenter, LLC.,, Dr. Dahlmann and World-Wide Naturopathic Health Service and their agents and assigns are excluded from this limitation for own practice use only.

For more information call Dr. Andre Kulisz at 210-858-9143.

The above information is subject to change without notice.