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Addiction Recovery Support

World-Wide Naturopathic Health Service offers support programs for recovering addicts.

Programs include detoxification support and recovery support adjunct to medical treatments in recovery from:

The naturopathic, nutritional formulations used in our support programs are highly effective, organic, biologically active extracts of plant and animal tissues* that have been researched and used for over 40 years with great results and are produced in the United States.

Recovery from addictions is a physiologically difficult process. It may cause a slew of side effects before the total detoxification is achieved, and physiological and metabolic processes can function without drugs.  In a way, it is a process of restoration, and as with every restoration, we may need to start from the foundation.  Not doing so may cause the whole process to fail and, as a result, the patient’s relapse.

The objective is to support the restoration and increase recovery success.

For more information, contact

*Animal tissues are of bovine, ovine, and porcine origin from animals specifically raised for this purpose.