Accepting New Patients +1-817-736-3004

Business Consulting


Dr. Kulisz is an experienced scientist-entrepreneur with an extensive U.S. and international experience. Multilingual with a broad knowledge of foreign standards, cultures, and customs. He holds PhD in technology development and applications of physics in medicine (Development of Medical Instrumentation — Technology vs. Economics.)

He is also a registered naturopathic doctor in the US and accredited to practice medicine (natural medicine) in all countries of the European Union. He is also listed as an Expert to the European Commission. Dr. Kulisz is an acknowledged negotiator, organizer and effective planner. He is also an experienced international traveler.

Since 1983, Dr. Kulisz has been involved in all aspects of the medical industry:

Development of platform technologies and application-specific derivatives

Assessment of technologies and target markets

Development of business ventures/financing

Approval and distribution of medical products world-wide

Development and management of clinical trials and regulatory affairs

ISO 9001/EN 46001, MDD, etc… registration, CE marking through established international accredited registrars and notified bodies
Reimbursement approvals (although in the present economic situation worldwide, government reimbursement should not be considered a viable revenue option.)

International negotiator

Ad-hoc consultant to the Health Ministry of a foreign government

Medical instructor, lecturer, speaker, popular educator.

For Dr. Kulisz fee schedule click here.


Development of new ventures

Evaluation of product viability – technology and market economics

Guidance to product developers and manufacturers

New product development

Definition and development of plans, specifications and limits for projects

Industrialization of product designs

Product feasibility studies and producibility reviews

Implementation of ISO 9000/EN 46000, ISO 13485, ISO 9000:2000, QSR, MDD, etc.

Development of standards and processes


Development of foreign distributorships

Development of marketing plans, objectives and training materials

Distributor training

Development and participation in conferences and conventions in the U.S. and overseas